Commitment to Leadership Means You Level Up the Humans You Lead...

...I show leaders how to create a profound impact for their people, even when the deck is stacked against them, and leave their world a better place.

Click the image above to buy my book, The Space for Leadership, on Amazon. Or visit to buy & claim your bonuses when purchasing the book.

My Statement of Belief Regarding True Leadership

All leaders are in the human business. They are in the human business.

The business of leveling up their humans. Having the humans they lead become better humans because of the leaders, even if it means they leave you for bigger opportunities.

If our lives are journies which milestones and markers do you wish to leave? Will you have any at all?

Leadership ought to be a force multiplier... and working on only your journey is selfish.

Leadership focused on others, the level up of humans around you...that is a selfless journey...

Be Selfless...

Accept The Challenge...

Humans Are Messy...

And We Get to Inspire, Heal, and Lead With Incredible Courage...

We Just Need to Give Ourselves Permission to Drop The Facade of Perfection...

And Instead Lead With Vulnerability.

What Does Vulnerability Look Like In Leadership?

A leader who is vulnerable and commits to the work of truly leading, truly accepting the humans around them, because the people they lead come to them with a clash...

A clash between work and home...

A clash between self and others...

A clash between providing and their dreams...

A leader committed to healing and impact realizes their true position in leadership and that is to accept and realize the people around us are giving us the lions share of their week.

Their purpose is often to exist and provide safety.

Your purpose is to produce and exceed goals. 

Suppose there was a way to heal...

Suppose there was a way to align...

To create an impact greater than ever thought possible.

The Clarity of Leadership, Who Are We To Be?

True leaders commit to the discovery for themselves and those around them a true sense of who they are to be, and what they are to do in this life. 

We can do this work together for those you lead and yourself.

When I do this work here is what I found, who am I?*IMG_8856*JPG?alt=media&token=254df028-c0ed-41fb-9397-8ab2bae88ffe

The Clarity of Leadership, What Do We Want?

True leaders commit to the discovery for themselves and those around them a true sense of impact and importance on others. 

We can do this work together for those you lead and yourself.

When I do this work here is what I found, what do I want?*IMG_8857*JPG?alt=media&token=f1270e88-651e-4b23-8aeb-fa3223ceba08

The Clarity of Leadership, Why Does It Matter?

True leaders commit to the intention of impact for themselves and those around them, the commitment to truly leave their world a better place.

We can do this work together for those you lead and yourself.

When I do this work here is what I found when I ask why does it matter?*IMG_8855*JPG?alt=media&token=c885cb02-707e-4bd2-85f5-11fd5da1c500

If you feel you've arrived here at the right time if what I've shared has provided ease and a moment of pause and conviction...

I'd ask you to schedule a session with me to lean into the areas your leadership is struggling with and the places to focus on to unlock true leadership full of healing, courage, and impact for those you lead and yourself.  

What Vulnerable Leadership Looks & Sounds Like.

If My Work Is A Fit For You, and I Can Help You To...

...Get unstuck and find a way to impact those they lead
...Find a new edge and way to lead
...Solve the clash that exists between work and home with those you lead
...Heal the pain your people have and live with

Let's Get Started and Create Impact In 
Your Life & Company Today

The Impact Session Series is a great way to discover how we fit for creating new spaces of healing and impact within your leadership framework. 

This impact session series includes the following...

- 5 hours of virtual time with you and your team - can be in 1-hour increments, or chunks of time as you choose.

- Building out the beginnings of new pathways to leadership using examples of courage within yourself.

- Focus on what's held you back and where new opportunities for growth exist.

Accolades, Successes, and Praise for Jeff Giganocavo

Click on the image above for more of Jeff in action.*TBTL%20Gold%20Logo%201500*png?alt=media&token=f62697f8-bcd8-4000-8f3d-5f61b1a7c3da